
Advertising in the mail

We are really basic in Portugal, it was just a few years ago that we had to put up with everything they wanted to put on our mailbox, then the sticker "advertising, not here!" appeared.

In Holland, they have two types of stickers: one says "Nee, Nee," and the other says "Nee, Ja". So they restrict the kind of publicity they want to receive.

With the sticker that says “No, No”, you don't receive any correspondence with no addressee.
With no sticker you would receive every kind of advertising; but if you put a “No, Yes” sticker you will receive local advertising.

This was the result of a "no junk mail" campaign as it's very well explained in http://stopjunkmailbog.blogspot.com/2007/05/dutch-junk-mail-stickers.html


  1. Cá em Portugal também existem esses autocolantes. Podes pedir nos CTT e assim não colocam publicidade não enderesada na caixa de correio.

  2. Sim, eu sei. A diferença é que aqui há dois autocolantes diferentes! Podes pôr um para não receberes publicidade de tipo nenhum, ou pões outro para receberes publicidade sobre actividades da cidade e assim.
    Se não pusermos nada recebemos tudo, tal como em Portugal.
