
This is the look of the streets these days

I had a appointment down town, Monday at 14h00, I didn’t realise there would be the Netherlands x Denmark going on… The center was crowded! All nicely decorated as you can see, they put the strangest things… But the most amusing part is the celebration they do every time they score! They scream, hug and dance, for about 10 minutes!

One of our neighbours hung a flag and a handbag with it, I saw the same thing with a backpack… I don’t really know what that means, I have to discover!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I found out what’s the deal with the backpacks hanged on the Flag poles. Turns out that is has nothing to do with football. Students who graduate hang their bag so everybody knows, he doesn’t need it anymore! Depending on the day the backpack is hanged, you can know which kind of studies were finished – the Dutch education system has many options, more information in: http://www.expatica.com/nl/essentials_moving_to/essentials/dutch-education-system-explained--31083_9746.html
